CMD-Mini Explorer 6L


The CMD-Mini Explorer 6L electromagnetic conductivity meter enhances the capability of the standard  CMD-Mini Explorer by extended depth range (0.3 – 2.3 m) and higher depth resolution (6 receivers).

Precise electronic design with stable calibration provides data for multilayer conductivity and inphase mapping as well as for inversion of measured conductivity sections. CMD-Mini Explorer 6L is useful for fast and accurate contactless investigations of shallow buried structures and objects in the frame of archaeological, geological, military and other surveys.



Manufactured by Geotomographie GmbH

Technical Details

Generated wave types: SV
Signal frequencies: Up to 500 Hz (depending on geology and borehole distance)
Operational depth: Up to 100 m
Source length: 1015 mm
Source weight: 6 kg
Cable weight per metre: 377 g
Borehole diameter: 75-100 mm (or larger if spacers are used)
Clamping system: Infatable bladder
Depth indicator: Cable marking every 2 m
Connector: To impulse generator IPG800 or IPG5000
Storage: On drum
Switch box: Switch between two vertical shot directions

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